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Google: OOXML still insufficient and unnecessary

I'd write this up as a story proper, except it's a no-change statement. Google's response to the passage of Microsoft's OOXML as an ISO standard (pending appeals) is:Along with much of the global technical community, we maintain our belief after technical analysis that OOXML would be an insufficient and unnecessary standard.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

I'd write this up as a story proper, except it's a no-change statement. Google's response to the passage of Microsoft's OOXML as an ISO standard (pending appeals) is:

Along with much of the global technical community, we maintain our belief after technical analysis that OOXML would be an insufficient and unnecessary standard. Google supports open standards and the Open Document Format, a widely recognized standard that has been a driver for innovation. Open Document Format already meets the common definitions of an open standard, promotes interoperability, has received ISO approval, and is in wide use around the world.

Which is awfully like what Google said before about OOXML. Fair enough, though - it's not like OOXML was magically fixed between the end of February and now, despite that infamous ballot resolution meeting...

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