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Google search can't find Canada

Is it in the 'polar regions' or just of no interest?
Written by Ron Coates, Contributor

Is it in the 'polar regions' or just of no interest?

The trial version of Google's new personalised service was up and running yesterday and it took only nanoseconds for users to notice one of the more glaring errors in what must be the alpha version of the new system.

The second message posted in user feedback after the 'glad to be the first' comment was simply 'Canada?' For, in the list of areas to which you can limit your search there is no entry for North America - only one for United States.

And there were other, similar comments but no whingeing - Canadians are either tough or are just used to being ignored. Of course, they could be covered under the 'polar regions' category.

Generally, user comment on the new service has been favourable. But it has also been pointed out that there is currently no method of preserving the personalised settings - designed to bring users their preferred results more quickly - leaving users wondering if they would have to set up the personal part of the search for each session.

To try out the new service, click here.

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