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Govt fibre report to nix subsidies?

I'm off in a few minutes to the launch of a BERR-sponsored report into whether the government should put any funding into a fibre rollout. The report will also indicate whether regulatory change should be brought in, to encourage companies to invest themselves.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

I'm off in a few minutes to the launch of a BERR-sponsored report into whether the government should put any funding into a fibre rollout. The report will also indicate whether regulatory change should be brought in, to encourage companies to invest themselves.

However, the Beeb seems to have been leaked some of the details. And it doesn't look good. From Auntie's story:

The BBC has been told that the report says there is no case for the UK government to provide cash subsidies to telecoms firms in order to accelerate the deployment of fibre... It is also believed to stop short of recommending big changes to the UK's regulatory regime to ensure firms invest in fibre.

This is really not going to please BT, or other potential providers like O2. More soon.

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