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Has malware won? Vmyths writes its own obituary

Unless it was some kind of uber-prank...
Written by Tony Hallett, Contributor

Unless it was some kind of uber-prank...

Vmyths.com, the popular website mainly used by thousands wondering whether about online hoaxes, is to cease operations over the coming days. After eight years the site is calling it quits as its founder and editor, Rob Rosenberger, is "mustering out to the Persian Gulf on extended deployment", according to an email sent to subscribers. He will serve with the US Air Force "writing classified histories of units of interest". The site has blamed a collapse in revenues from advertising for its demise, saying it won't now be able to pay a small staff to continue in Rosenberger's absence. From 1995, Vmyths chronicled hoax references, from information about viruses to chain emails purportedly sent from Bill Gates and others. It also commented on the whole world of network computing, with Rosenberger frequently being quoted by other media and security companies. A recent push for donations to keep the site going didn't go well. The company's parting statement said: "Vmyths attempted a fund-raiser among its users but Rosenberger's distaste for marketing in any form made it a watery request for help. It netted only 20 contributions to the tune of a couple of hundred dollars." Anyone wishing to make a donation with a view to Vmyths' return in the long term should go to this page.
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