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HK residents fret most about security

Hong Kong respondents are the most concerned about personal and financial information being leaked, according to the latest Unisys Security Index.
Written by Vivian Yeo, Contributor

Concerns about security continue to trouble residents in Hong Kong and Malaysia, new survey findings from Unisys has revealed.

According to the latest Unisys Security Index (PDF), which compiled findings from phone interviews with over 12,000 people aged 18 and above, respondents in Hong Kong are the world's biggest worriers when it comes to personal and financial security. Conducted in 13 economies in September, the survey covers four areas of security--national, financial, Internet and personal--with each registering a score of between zero and 300.

Unisys reported that nearly 80 percent of the 899 Hong Kong residents surveyed indicated they were very or extremely concerned about others obtaining their credit or debit card information. Hong Kong's overall financial security index score was 198.

In addition, 82 percent of respondents from Hong Kong said they were very or extremely concerned about unauthorized access to, or misuse of, their personal information. The territory registered a score of 203 under the personal security index.

Internet security also weighed on the minds of Hong Kong consumers. Ranked third globally, Hong Kong's score of 142 was influenced by concerns over viruses and spam, as well as online banking and shopping.

Malaysia, on the other hand, ranked higher than Hong Kong for concerns over national security. Malaysia's score of 187 put the country behind only Brazil, which registered 205 on the index. Hong Kong was third with a score of 171.

Unisys also noted a decline in acceptance of biometrics amongst Malaysian respondents. Although 83 percent of the 873 Malaysians surveyed indicated they did not mind using one or more biometric identifiers to confirm their identity to trusted organizations such as the government and banks, it noted declining support for various types of biometrics.

For example, more than 40 percent of respondents said in March 2007 they would be willing to use an iris scan as a form of identity verification, but less than 30 percent felt similarly in the latest survey.

Singapore, which featured in previous Unisys reports, was not part of the latest index.

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