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Is Kodak aiming at Bluetooth-enabled camera?

Clues found in FCC documents hint that company plans a Bluetooth-enabled digicam to sync up with other devices.
Written by Candace Lombardi, Contributor

Kodak apparently plans to further embed Bluetooth technology into its products, according to documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission.

According to the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Web site, Kodak has filed an equipment authorization application for a "Bluetooth module" and a "mobile transmitter with its own RF shielding" for use in "mobile and portable devices."

From the documents, it's possible to infer that Kodak plans to release a Bluetooth-enabled digital camera that would let photographers sync up with their printers, viewers, computers and cell phones.

News of the mobile transmitter license application was first reported by Sandeep Chandur, a blogger for MobileWhack.com. Photos of the internal device from the FCC Web site surfaced on the Internet over the weekend as more blogs linked to them.

While some photos of the transmitter remain on an FCC Web site (click for PDF), some of the information on the complete device was taken down from the site on Monday.

In its place a "Short Term Confidentially Request" has been put up. According to an FCC representative, companies have the option to request some form of confidentiality when filing an equipment authorization application, or Form 731.

"Kodak does not comment on unreleased products," said Cindy Lee Douglas, worldwide public-relations assistant for Kodak.

News of integrated Bluetooth technology is not a surprise, as Kodak's "You take the pictures. We'll do the rest" promotional film, shown at its Consumer Electronic Show press conference earlier this year, featured syncing technology from one Kodak device to another.

Some would consider a Bluetooth-enabled digital camera a logical next step, because Kodak already offers Kodak Bluetooth-enabled printers, picture kiosks and USB adapters as well as Wi-Fi cards for its cameras.

Kodak CEO Antonio Perez also announced a plan in January to partner with Motorola for the purpose of developing higher-quality camera phones.

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