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Jajah, eBay and the telepathic PR

(Be sure to read this post down to the bottom, because you all may come in handy here...)We've just received an irate (not at us, I hasten to say) missive from the proprietors of the internet telephony company Jajah.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

(Be sure to read this post down to the bottom, because you all may come in handy here...)

We've just received an irate (not at us, I hasten to say) missive from the proprietors of the internet telephony company Jajah.

Jajah, like its little-known rival Skype, allows its users to put call-me buttons on their websites. Jajah, unlike Skype, is not owned (however regretfully) by eBay.

Can you guess what happened when eBay auctioneers tried putting Jajah call-me buttons on their auction pages? Well, according to Jajah, each such auction was removed in its entirety because, in eBay's words: "it violated the eBay Inappropriate Links policy… links or other connections to live chat systems are not permitted." Unless, one presumes, the live chat system happens to be Skype.

Over to Jajah's co-founder Roman Scharf: "Our vision was simply to bring voice communication to one of the worlds greatest marketplaces for eCommerce. With millions of registered users, Jajah is hardly an 'inappropriate' organization. We were seeing great excitement for Jajah buttons on eBay and we are disappointed that some of our user’s listings are now being removed. We are currently seeking to get clarification from eBay."

With the echoes of this year's eBay-centric PayPal/Google Checkout debacle still ringing in my ears, I decided to give eBay's PR agency a call to see if Jajah's allegations were true.

The chirpy young soul I spoke to first asked me to send details of specific customers who were affected - one of the oldest stalling tricks in the book. Naturally, I wasn't having any of that, and I asked her to just ascertain whether or not eBay has a policy of punishing those of its users who use non-eBay-affiliated call-me buttons on their auction pages....

"OK, I'll see if we can put together a statement on that for you. Goodb..."

"Hang on, wouldn't you like my contact details?"

"Oh. Yes."

For some reason, I'm not expecting a reply on this issue anytime soon.

UPDATE: It appears I spoke too soon. Here's what eBay has just sent me:

"The JaJah buttons are prohibited by eBay’s Links Policy which has been in place for years. eBay’s Links Policy is global and applies to every eBay site.

The policy specifies that only certain links can be included in listings; specifically, the link must be directly related to the item being listed. (You can reference the policy here: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-links.html).

While eBay have done some testing on integrating Skype buttons on eBay, even Skype buttons are not allowed within the listing page itself. The Skype buttons only appear near the “Ask the Seller A Question” link which is outside of the individual listing page.

eBay strongly encourage the eBay community to use the “Ask the Seller A Question” functionality for any direct communications to ensure that their communications and the transaction stays on the eBay Marketplace. This is an important step in ensuring a safe transaction and that they’ll be eligible for any eBay Protection Programs that might apply.

eBay is dedicated to maintaining the trust and safety of its marketplaces and try to fully understand how any new feature or tool may impact the marketplace before introducing it to ensure that it is not only useful to the community but is also safe and can not be used by fraudsters."

Right, so I stand corrected. eBay bans Skype call-me buttons too. If anyone happens to come across any evidence to the contrary, do let us know...

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