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Kodak's camera catastrophe

Unlucky customers won't get the snaps they bargained for...
Written by Sonya Rabbitte, Contributor

Unlucky customers won't get the snaps they bargained for...

Kodak customers who snapped up digital cameras at bargain prices on the company website could be left empty handed after Kodak today admitted human error meant the cameras were marked at the wrong price. The DX3700 digital camera was advertised at £100 for several days. The camera usually retails at £329 - the price advertised on the site today. Kodak claimed the reduced price was a mistake, yet one silicon.com reader received an email confirming his £100 order and describing it as a 'special deal.' Kodak has not confirmed how many cameras were ordered at the knock down price, but it could be in the thousands after customers spread news of the bargain on internet chat rooms. Many customers have already received confirmation of their orders, although Kodak has not yet confirmed whether it will honour those orders. A Kodak spokeswoman told silicon.com the company's legal team were reviewing the situation and would release a statement later today.
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