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LSE connectivity glitch halts trading

At the time of writing, trading on the London Stock Exchange is not happening, and hasn't been possible since before 9 o'clock this morning (trading began smoothly at 8, as usual, but something unspecified happened afterwards to force the LSE to shut down customer access to its trading platform).A spokesperson for the LSE told us a moment ago that they are "putting the processes in place for firms to reconnect".
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

At the time of writing, trading on the London Stock Exchange is not happening, and hasn't been possible since before 9 o'clock this morning (trading began smoothly at 8, as usual, but something unspecified happened afterwards to force the LSE to shut down customer access to its trading platform).

A spokesperson for the LSE told us a moment ago that they are "putting the processes in place for firms to reconnect".

"After issues were identified, we closed off customer connections to bring connectivity back in a controlled way," the spokesperson said, while confirming that all trading had ceased, and was yet to recommence.

More soon, no doubt - it'll be interesting to know what went wrong, and how much money this is costing on a day when the markets are generally rallying around the world.

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