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Microsoft expects EC to approve Yahoo deal

The European Commission has said it is up to Microsoft to decide whether it needs to notify the EC of any deal to acquire Yahoo
Written by Tom Espiner, Contributor

The European Commission will wait for Microsoft to notify it of any deal it hammers out to acquire Yahoo.

Microsoft on Friday said it had put in an offer for Yahoo in a combined cash and stock deal of $44.6bn (£22.3bn).

Commission competition spokesperson Jonathon Todd told ZDNet.co.uk on Friday that the Commission had no comment on the proposed deal, aside from saying that Microsoft must decide whether it needs to approach the Commission.

"It's up to Microsoft to verify whether or not it needs to notify us," said Todd.

The Commission has had concerns over Microsoft and antitrust issues in the past. It won a landmark case in October last year that resulted in Microsoft agreeing to comply with a 2004 EU court ruling on the company's anti-competitive behaviour, concerning workgroup server interoperability.

Microsoft indicated that it would notify the Commission about the proposed deal, and said it expects to receive regulatory approval.

"Microsoft believes this proposed combination would receive all necessary regulatory approvals and expects that the proposed transaction would be completed in the second half of calendar year 2008," said Microsoft in a statement.

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