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Microsoft smartphone rumours resurface

We reckon Microsoft will have some interesting news to share at this year's Mobile World Congress, which will make a change. Steve Ballmer himself will be there, and that's always good entertainment.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

We reckon Microsoft will have some interesting news to share at this year's Mobile World Congress, which will make a change. Steve Ballmer himself will be there, and that's always good entertainment. But will one of the announcements be a Microsoft phone?

News.com has an interesting piece on an analyst's assertion that Microsoft has signed up to use Nvidia's ARM-based Tegra chip in a smartphone. Now, Microsoft doesn't make smartphones itself - it sticks the increasingly archaic Windows Mobile onto its partners' handsets. The piece has a firm denial from Redmond that it's considering going its own way, but perhaps this is the fabled zunePhone we're talking about here.

Let's assume that's the case - graphics would probably be great, but the OS would probably still leave a lot to be desired and Microsoft would really tick off its partners, such as HTC, who are already considering or producing the Android alternative.

Hmm. Maybe not such a good idea then.

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