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Mig me

I've been playing with mig33, a combined IM, SMS and VoIP application with more than six million users worldwide in 200 countries.I think you haven't heard of it yet.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

I've been playing with mig33, a combined IM, SMS and VoIP application with more than six million users worldwide in 200 countries.

I think you haven't heard of it yet. But with a push toward visibility in the U.S. I recommend that you should. At least try it out.

They have a new web-based interface that I personally think is one of the most attractive, clear and iterative I've ever seen.  And if you come here often, you'll know I don't say "ever" all that often.

You haven't heard the last from me re: mig33. They are sending me a phone. When I get it, wait and see how fast I deploy it, test it and report back to y0u.

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