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Most IT pros finding work 'within three months'

A survey has revealed that half of job-seeking techies are managing to secure work within three months despite the economic downturn
Written by Natasha Lomas, Contributor

Half of job-seeking IT pros are finding work within three months despite the economic downturn, a new survey has found.

However, the survey of 350 job seekers, commissioned by IT recruitment company First Point, also revealed a substantial proportion (16 percent) of tech workers had to wait a year or more before landing a new role.

Understandably, there is widespread reluctance to move jobs — with 40 percent of respondents saying they are 'very likely' to stay in their current role for a longer period of time because of the recession.

Meanwhile, the latest employment index for May from jobs website Monster shows the number of IT jobs advertised online rose around one percent on the month before. However, the number of vacancies is still down around 36 percent on May 2008.

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