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New TECKs for disaster areas

Telstra has developed Emergency Communication Kits (TECKs) to reconnect communities affected by natural disasters.
Written by Jacquelyn Holt, Contributor

Telstra has developed Emergency Communication Kits (TECKs) to reconnect communities affected by natural disasters. The kits are small, wireless communication units that provide access to voice, data and broadband services via the Telstra Next G mobile network.


A TECK at work after the Black Saturday bushfires.
(Credit: Telstra)

Used in last year's Victorian bushfires, Telstra has now developed 300 emergency communication kits for national use, with TECKs currently in fire-affected Toodyay, Western Australia. The kits are also on stand-by for use in flooded areas of Northern NSW.

Telstra's Service Delivery regional director, John Parkin, said: "Three of the kits are being used in the town hall in Toodyay to provide emergency services agencies and residents with phone, fax and internet services. They were delivered overnight and set up and in use within 10 minutes".

Other recent developments include Telstra's new Mobile Exchange On Wheels (MEOW) and Cell On Wheels (COW), portable base stations that are able to provide both landline/broadband and mobile services respectively.

The COW technology, along with the W25 Terminal (one of the main components of the TECKs) were both used in affected communities following the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria last year.

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