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Nokia Siemens helps telcos get better handle on energy consumption

How much power does your smartphone draw on a daily basis? Nokia Siemens Networks steps up to help telcos get a better handle on energy consumption and efficiency.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

When you consider all the electricity that must go toward powering the world's cellular and communications networks -- up to 10 percent of the operational costs in a mature network apparently are related to power consumption -- I'm surprised that there hasn't been more coverage of technologies and business practices that could aid the telco industry's green profile. ESPECIALLY considering just how mobile our world continues to become.

But Nokia Siemens Networks has embarked on a major initiative to position itself as offering the most complete set of solutions for improving energy efficiency among carriers.

The company's Energy Solutions portfolio includes both technologies and services focused on the following:

  • Energy Modernization (as in, when it's appropriate and possible to use renewable energy sources)
  • Off-Grid Site Solution
  • Bad-Grid Site Solution
  • Energy Efficiency Consulting
  • Green Energy Control
  • Energy OpEx Management

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