Home & Office

NTL dial-up internet no longer free

You don't get anything for nothing in the end...
Written by Ben King, Contributor

You don't get anything for nothing in the end...

From January new NTLworld customers will have to pay £10 per month to use their narrowband internet - a service that was previously free. Existing customers will only have to pay £5, and any customers with only moderate surfing habits will have the option to pay 1p per minute instead. The customers NTL inherited from Cable and Wireless will not be required to pay until May 2002. NTL wasn't able to comment on the specific reasons for the change, but the move suggests that the company is shifting its focus from customer acquisition at all costs to trying to maximise the revenue it derives from existing customers. The move comes as BT launches an assault on its cable rivals with a range of unlimited evening and weekend national call packages.
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