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O2 to carry Samsung's i7500 Android phone

Samsung's first Android handset, the i7500, has appeared in O2's in-house magazine, and a spokesperson for the operator confirmed to ZDNet UK on Monday that the handset will be carried by O2 in the UK.It is not yet clear how much the OLED-screened handset will cost through O2, whether it will be exclusive to that operator, or precisely when it will be made available.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Samsung's first Android handset, the i7500, has appeared in O2's in-house magazine, and a spokesperson for the operator confirmed to ZDNet UK on Monday that the handset will be carried by O2 in the UK.

It is not yet clear how much the OLED-screened handset will cost through O2, whether it will be exclusive to that operator, or precisely when it will be made available. The best O2's spokesperson could say was that it would appear in the next two months.

If, as expected, O2 announces this week that it will be exclusively carrying the Palm Pre, this means the operator will stock pretty much every hot smartphone platform of the moment: iPhone, Android and webOS.

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