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Pharma giant signs 'multi-million' broadband deal

Sirocom in good health as UniChem signs on the dotted line...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

Sirocom in good health as UniChem signs on the dotted line...

Virtual network operator Sirocom has announced a multi-million pound deal with pharmaceutical wholesaler UniChem and retail partner Alliance Pharmacy to provide broadband connectivity to around 1,000 UK locations.

The rubber-stamping of the deal follows a successful rollout of the service to 1,000 pharmacies. They are gearing up for the full implementation of the Electronic Prescription Service, which will see pharmacists integrate their systems with the NHS IT 'Spine' for more effective billing and prescription authorisation, dispensing and provision.

The service will be fully managed by Sirocom, which is working in partnership with pharmacy IT supplier Cegedim.

Anthony Roberts, IT Director at UniChem, said the solution can be tailored to the needs of every pharmacy.

He said: "In order to implement the Electronic Prescription Service, pharmacists require a compliant Patient Medical Record system, provided by Cegedim, and an N3 connection approved by [NHS] Connecting for Health."

Roberts said the increasingly popular virtual network operator model, which has seen some major wins recently, provides the levels of choice, flexibility and scalability required for such a project.

The value of the deal was not given beyond a Sirocom spokeswoman confirming it represents "a multi-million pound deal".

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