Home & Office

PM calls on Berners-Lee in open-government drive

Gordon Brown is bringing in the inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, to help open up government data.Brown made the announcement in Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday, during a speech on constitutional reform.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Gordon Brown is bringing in the inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, to help open up government data.

Brown made the announcement in Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday, during a speech on constitutional reform.

"So that Government information is accessible and useful for the widest possible group of people, I have asked Sir Tim Berners-Lee who led the creation of the World Wide Web, to help us drive the opening up of access to Government data in the web over the coming month," Brown said in his speech.

Berners-Lee is a strong proponent of citizens having secure control over their own data, and has criticised the UK government for seemingly condoning the use by ISPs of techniques such as deep-packet inspection.

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