Home & Office

PM includes fibre in FDR-esque spending plan

How, as a nation, do you spend your way out of an economic crisis? According to the Observer's interview yesterday with Gordon Brown, high-speed broadband could form part of the solution.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

How, as a nation, do you spend your way out of an economic crisis? According to the Observer's interview yesterday with Gordon Brown, high-speed broadband could form part of the solution.

From the article:

Brown suggested infrastructure such as high-speed broadband could be the modern equivalent of FDR's programme: "When we talk about the roads and the bridges and the railways that were built in previous times - and those were anti-recession measures taken to help people through difficult times - you could [by comparison] talk about the digital infrastructure and that form of communications revolution at a period when we want to stimulate the economy. It's a very important thing."

So, does this mean the government is doing a u-turn on its unwillingness to fund UK-wide fibre? Let's see, but don't hold your breath...

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