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PROTD: More branding insanity

It's been a while since I did a Press Release Of The Day, particularly one with such asinine branding in it (see here for a golden example from a year ago). But here's a good one:LexisNexis, the UK's leading provider of information and services to legal, tax and corporate professionals, announced today that Grindeys has awarded it a new contract for its Axxia dna* product to be used by all of Grindeys' 240 fee-earners and support staff.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

It's been a while since I did a Press Release Of The Day, particularly one with such asinine branding in it (see here for a golden example from a year ago). But here's a good one:

LexisNexis, the UK's leading provider of information and services to legal, tax and corporate professionals, announced today that Grindeys has awarded it a new contract for its Axxia dna* product to be used by all of Grindeys' 240 fee-earners and support staff.

Not much to say really, other than to point out that any brand name that requires at least three points of spelling, capitalisation and/or random insertion of keyboard characters to be explained every time it's used, probably sucks as a brand name.

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