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silicon.com's top 10 stories of 2002

We wrote 'em, you read 'em...
Written by Tony Hallett, Contributor

We wrote 'em, you read 'em...

As 2002 draws to a close we can reveal the biggest stories of the year so far, at least in terms of pure clicks. The three subjects that proved most popular are email, security and - how can we put it - the more frivolous side of the business silicon.com covers. So the top ten is: 1. Is your IT department full of dope smokers?
2. Website reveals contents of Beckham's shorts
3. Bugbear worm - how it works
4. Virus warning: Braid winds its way through email
5. Gates' mansion overrun by incontinent geese
6. Shock! Horror! Ginger isn't Segway
7. HP porn scandal leaves 100 facing sack
8. "And the winner of 'Virus of the Year' is... Klez"
9. Best of Reader Comments: Psst, want some top passwords
10. Users plagued by email hoaxes
http://www.silicon.com/a55362 The only footnote to add is about numbers. While we're not revealing individual impression levels for each story, you may be interested to know the dope-smoking IT workers beat Beckham's shorts by a couple of hundred clicks. More of you read these stories than go to Old Trafford for a Manchester United Champions League game.
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