Home & Office

Sir Tim picks up latest gong

May not have made a bean directly from the www... but if he sold all his awards...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

May not have made a bean directly from the www... but if he sold all his awards...

Sir Tim Berners-Lee has picked up his latest award in a long line of gongs handed to the British inventor of the world wide web.

The British Computer Society will honour Berners-Lee with the BCS Lovelace Medal for his work fostering the growth and development of IT in the UK and globally.

Commending Berners-Lee's achievements David Clarke, chief executive of the BCS, called the world wide web the "single most important advancement in IT's rapid development".

Clarke said in a statement: "Its impact is far reaching, from the home user to the multinational company, it has changed the way that we interact with one another and has streamlined business the world over. For this reason I am proud to honour Tim Berners-Lee's outstanding contribution to IT."

Berners-Lee was knighted in 2004.

A previous winner of the Lovelace Medal was Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux.

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