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Stratfor hack list includes hundreds of UK military users

Anonymous's hack of the US global intelligence firm Stratfor yielded the details of hundreds of UK military officials, according to analysis of the breach.The 'LulzXmas' Stratfor hack took place on Christmas Eve last year, with personal details of hundreds of thousands of the company's subscribers being leaked online in the following days.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Anonymous's hack of the US global intelligence firm Stratfor yielded the details of hundreds of UK military officials, according to analysis of the breach.

The 'LulzXmas' Stratfor hack took place on Christmas Eve last year, with personal details of hundreds of thousands of the company's subscribers being leaked online in the following days. Anonymous was almost certainly responsible, and the breach may have been part of the hacker group's Operation Robin Hood.

The US Cyber Consequences Unit, a Washington-based research organisation that analysed the leaked details for The Guardian, found the list of victims to include 221 British military officials and 242 Nato staff members, the newspaper reported on Sunday.

Seven Cabinet Office officials were also on the list, as were 23 MPs and peers, 45 Foreign Office officials, 14 Home Office officials, 67 police officials and two royal employees.

Overall, the usernames, passwords and email addresses of 850,000 Stratfor users were included in the leaks, along with the credit card details of around 75,000 premium users. According to the report, 462 of the credit card numbers were for UK accounts.

The UK got off relatively lightly — around 19,000 of the email addresses ended in .mil, denoting them as belonging to US military personnel.

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