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SuSE voted best distribution at LinuxWorld 2000

SuSE is number one and it has a gleaming trophy to prove it
Written by Will Knight, Contributor

German Linux distributor SuSE picked-up the much coveted title of most popular distribution at the LinuxWorld Expo in New York Friday.

Attendees were invited to vote for the "Best Distribution" at the LinuxWorld Expo and decided that SuSE deserved the crown.

Commercial director for SuSE UK Jasmin Ul-Haque puts the popularity of SuSE down to its all-round technical excellence. She says: "The feedback that we have had from the technical community has been that they believe that SuSE is the most sound distribution."

SuSE is keen, says Ul-Haque, to co-operate with other distributions in developing global standards for the advancement of Linux. Ul-Haque thinks that in-fighting between distributions can be avoided commenting: "We think amicable co-operation is good for Linux and for end users. This can only be the future, it's what Linux is about and makes commercial sense."

Ul-Haque believes that ensuring that Linux is commercially recognised is also vital to its wider acceptance adding: "We believe that Linux is for everyone and that what we aim to do is a complete global solution. I'd like to point out that SuSE very much wants to support the LPI (Linux Professional Institute). We'd like to promote Linux certification in Europe and start certifying in England."

The LPI currently offers certification for Linux professionals within the United States and is also supported by Caldera TurboLinux Linuxcare among others.

Ul-Haque also praises the team of programmers from across the world that contribute towards producing SuSE Linux. She also notes the enthusiasm for Linux that European computer users have shown, commenting: "In Europe the market is different, people want technical expertise and factual information rather than marketing hype."

In the UK, SuSE is to increase its support for Linux User Groups (LUGS) by providing free boxed copies of its distributions to each newly formed group. These can be obtained by getting in touch SuSE's UK offices, listed at the main SuSE Web site.

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