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Telstra call centre jobs migrate

Telstra has increased the capacity of its call centre in Hobart, while closing down another in Northern Territory.
Written by Suzanne Tindal, Contributor

in brief Telstra has increased the capacity of its call centre in Hobart, while closing down another in Northern Territory.

Sixty-seven jobs will go from the NT centre when it closed, according to Telstra spokesperson Craig Middleton, while the Tasmanian Government has said that the telco will increase the capacity of its call centre in the state by 120, from 80 to 200.

"We've had some recruiting problems in the Northern Territory," Middleton said. The lease was coming up and consolidating the jobs in Tasmania was the logical solution, he said.

"I commend Telstra for their display of confidence in the Tasmanian economy and call centre industry and wish them every success with their expanded operations in the state," Tasmanian Deputy Premier Lara Giddings said in a statement.

The government had taken a hand in growing the number of call centres in the state, she said. "The call centre industry exists in Tasmania because of the government's strong economic management, its track record of creating jobs and supporting economic development as well as the talented workforce and low labour turnover rates in the Tasmanian labour market."

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