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The A-Z of ebusiness (T-U)

Your essential guide to all the latest buzzwords...
Written by silicon.com staff, Contributor

Your essential guide to all the latest buzzwords...

Commerce occurring over the medium of television, referring to the ability to carry out transactions. TCP/IP
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is the basic communication language or program of the internet. It consists of two layers, the address part of each protocol (the IP element), which deals with the packets while the higher layer (the TCP protocol) operates both to assemble the file into smaller packets for transmission of the packets or streams of data over the internet and then to reassemble the packets in the form of the original message. Telco
This is an abbreviation for telecommunications company or telephone company. Telnet
This is a user command which refers to the way in which a user can access another person's computer (provided that permission for such access has been given). It enables a user to control a web server remotely and to communicate with other servers on a network just as if the user was entering the user commands directly onto the server terminal. Temporary Internet Files
Files which are stored or transmitted through the internet (eg onto a user's PC to speed their experience of using a website) but which, unless permanently saved to a disk or hard disk drive, will be lost. Terrestrial
Means 'dealing with the earth' and refers to communications carried by a line or broadcast technology that is below or near the ground. Standard TV broadcasts are considered to be terrestrial. The Net
This is the abbreviated term for the internet. The internet is a network which connects computers on a global basis enabling the exchange of data, files, news and ecommerce transactions. Rather than being centrally controlled, the internet is decentralised in its design which gives users the option to choose which services they wish to offer and what information they wish to make use of. Thumb Nail
A miniature representation of a large image or graphic that allows the user to preview the image or graphic without incurring the delay in downloading the larger, more detailed image or graphic. Time Shifting
A term often used in connection with PVRs. These devices enable viewers to pause live programming while it continues to record it. The viewer can re-activate the programme at any time from the point where they stopped, thus shifting time. Time-Variant
Refers to the storage of multiple copies of the underlying detail of data in aggregations of differing time frames and/or intervals. The intention behind a time variant strategy is to maintain the consistency of data reports and information over a period of time and across several business units within an organisation. Tivo
A subscription-based interactive TV service and PVR device that enables a viewer to watch programmes whenever they want, regardless of the programming schedule. Transaction Service Provider
A company which provides services such as technical support to users. Trojan Horse
This term originates from Homer's Iliad in which the Greeks destroyed the City of Troy. A huge wooden horse was offered to the City of Troy as a peace offering from the Greeks. The Trojans took the horse into the besieged city, Greek soldiers were secretly hiding in the belly of the wooden horse and, upon night falling, they emerged, opened the gates of Troy to the Greek army which then attacked and captured the City of Troy. In computer terms, a Trojan Horse is destructive or malicious code which is contained within an apparently safe program or what appears to be harmless data. Although it does not replicate itself like a virus can, it may be capable of introducing viruses onto a user's computer or it may provide a hacker with a hidden access into a network or computer. Troll
Refers to the practise of enticing users into sending an email response to an intentionally incorrect statement designed as 'bait' to lure the user to respond. TSL
Transport Security Layer, a system of securing messages over the internet. TSL contains two layers of protection, one of which uses encryption. TSL is the successor of SSL. UMTS
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System - the third generation mobile standard, frequently referred to as 3G. UMTS is forecast to be a reality by late 2002, when there should be true interoperability between mobile networks irrespective of competing technologies. Unicode
A worldwide standard for characters in textual computer files. A standard of 34,168 distinct characters covering 24 languages to allow textual information to be represented in computer files in a common universally agreed form. Unique Users
The number of unique individuals who visit a website within a given period. Unique users can be identified by cookies. UNIX
UNIX was developed in the 1970s and was one of the first operating systems written in a high level programming language (C). Unix is essentially an 'open' operating system, not proprietary to one supplier. Unix is a registered trademark of the Open Group. Unix is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system which has become one of the leading operating systems for workstations. Upload
Refers to the task of transferring data or programs from a computer to a recipient computer or domain. Upsell
In an ecommerce environment, the vendor of goods and services uses information he has gathered in the course of his customer relationship to identify complementary (cross sell) or upgrade (up sell) items to show along with the results of a product search. The technique of up-selling to a customer involves identifying the customers needs from existing data (eg previous or current purchases or queries) before he or she realises them. URL
Uniform Resource Locator. The URL identifies the web address of a particular site which is accessible on the internet. Click here for the full index: http://www.silicon.com/a55850
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