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The LHCgasm continues...

I was lucky enough to visit CERN just days before the Large Hadron Collider went live (w00t!), and check this out: the geekiest keyring in history...
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

I was lucky enough to visit CERN just days before the Large Hadron Collider went live (w00t!), and check this out: the geekiest keyring in history...


What that perspex souvenir contains, my friends, is a piece of gen-u-ine superconductor material, as used in the LHC. It might even come in handy one day, assuming I can get it down to -271 celcius.

One more thing. Last Saturday, just before I left Geneva, I saw this newspaper stand. Those pessimists, eh? Then again, the particle collisions are only scheduled for next month or later, so who knows...

(Actually, I know. It's bollocks.)

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