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To netbook or not?

Here's a question for you good folks: should we adopt the term "netbook" for what we otherwise tend to refer to as "low-cost subnotebooks"?I refer of course to things like the Asus Eee, or the MSI Wind, or the HP Mini-Note.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Here's a question for you good folks: should we adopt the term "netbook" for what we otherwise tend to refer to as "low-cost subnotebooks"?

I refer of course to things like the Asus Eee, or the MSI Wind, or the HP Mini-Note. You know, the cheap, little laptops that you'll pretty much just be using for surfing the web.

Is the term "netbook" just jargon (it was coined by Intel this February), or is it useful shorthand for what is pretty clearly a whole new market? Over to you...

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