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Trevor Luxton takes up the Claire Swire mantle - but don't sack him, not for that

Worst boyfriend? Worst email writer more like
Written by silicon.com staff, Contributor

Worst boyfriend? Worst email writer more like

If you haven't heard about the City banker who shared a recent sexual 'exploit' with his friends via email - only to have the lewd tale forwarded on and on - where have you been? The silicon.com newsroom first received the Trevor Luxton email, replete with the chain of dozens of people who had also presumably read it, early on Thursday. In a world that has already seen Claire Swire and a mean newsgroup dialogue involving a Watford FC supporter, his girlfriend and a blood-born disease, it is easy to dismiss anything like this. For one thing, the original email is just so bad. So we ignored it. Before you could say yes, you are "the worst boyfriend in the world", Reuters had been calling his employer Credit Lyonnais and the Sun had prepared a front page splash. What is most amazing is that in this world of 'digital blunders' everyone seems anxious to hear about the next Claire Swire (must it always be the same sex act?). People on the Trevor Luxton email chain even cite the woman's name - one she has since changed, for obvious reasons - even if some references mention Claire Squires. So there's the salacious appetite, which invariably then affects the employer involved. We believe Credit Lyonnais should look long and hard before disciplining Luxton. If he wasted company time and facilities then so too did everyone else. Show us someone who has never used a work phone, fax or franking machine for personal purposes and, well, we'll be surprised. If the bank is worried about the content of the email, let us assure them it only reflects badly on the employee, with his sub-Loaded story-telling. If there's punishment to be had, let it be in the form of lawsuits from the women involved - or some other punishment, probably much worse.
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