Home & Office

UK workers a nation of surfers

Just make sure the boss isn't looking...
Written by Sonya Rabbitte, Contributor

Just make sure the boss isn't looking...

UK internet users are more in tune with their European counterparts than Americans when it comes to using the internet at work. Britons, along with Italians and French, spend longer online and looked at more pages, when they used the internet at work than at home, according to research from Nielsen/NetRatings. Meanwhile, US web surfers using the internet at work did more onlidne sessions per month, but spend just as much time on line and viewed as many pages at work as they did at home. Twenty-six per cent of Britons over the age of 16 have access to the internet at work, slightly above the European average of 22 per cent. Europeans are more likely to log on first thing in the morning, at midday and late afternoon, but log off during their lunch hour. US work usage remained high through out the day.
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