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Windows Phone 7 update for Samsung devices fails again

Windows Phone 7 updates for Samsung handsets using that operating system are still not working, according to online forum reports.Microsoft restarted the rollout on Wednesday, 10 days after it first tried pushing out the update — a relatively minor revision that was intended to facilitate future updates, but also the first to be attempted for the Windows Phone 7 platform.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Windows Phone 7 updates for Samsung handsets using that operating system are still not working, according to online forum reports.

Microsoft restarted the rollout on Wednesday, 10 days after it first tried pushing out the update — a relatively minor revision that was intended to facilitate future updates, but also the first to be attempted for the Windows Phone 7 platform. That first attempt failed for one out of 10 users, particularly those using Samsung phones.

However, fresh complaints soon began to appear on the Microsoft Answers forum on Wednesday. "Signed into Zune and an update for Samsung phones available," the first message in the thread, by 'Dave Not Happy', read. "Did the install and finished with Error Code 800705B4 and no update. Followed the web help. No help. 2nd fail at update. Anybody have any ideas?"

This message was followed by numerous similar reports of the updates getting to certain point then failing, with the same error message. "Flabbergasted that such a thing happened again, totally disappointed," a user named 'huzaifah' wrote. "Can someone from the support team please say something to at least address the problem? Stop making us wait; we have waited enough."

Microsoft's Twitter account for Windows Phone 7 support has made several few posts on the matter, telling customers that the company is "looking into it right now to find a resolution" and advising "holding off on [applying the update] while we investigate the issue". However, Microsoft has not as yet responded to ZDNet UK's request for comment on the failed updates.

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