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ZDNet.co.uk - The Tabloid You Can Trust

Browsing through Viviane Reding's recent speech to the European Regulators Group (as you do), I came across this little nugget:"For many, a symbol for the single market for telecoms is the creation of the new European Telecom Market Authority which will be an integral part of the reform package. Some like this proposal and already applaud the creation of a 'European FCC' which will level the playing field for telecoms in the EU.
Written by David Meyer, Contributor

Browsing through Viviane Reding's recent speech to the European Regulators Group (as you do), I came across this little nugget:

"For many, a symbol for the single market for telecoms is the creation of the new European Telecom Market Authority which will be an integral part of the reform package. Some like this proposal and already applaud the creation of a 'European FCC' which will level the playing field for telecoms in the EU. Others criticise it as they fear unnecessary centralism and new bureaucracies, often summarised under the term 'Super-Regulator' preferred by some tabloid newspapers for the Commission's plans."

So we're a tabloid (see "http:="" news.zdnet.co.uk="" communications="" 0,1000000085,39284775,00.htm"="">here and here for our most recent stories using the word "super-regulator" in the headline) - good to know!

Mind you, I'm trying to think of any actual tabloid newspaper that would give a monkey's about Reding's plans for the future of European telecoms regulation. And failing.

Editorial standards