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See our original research on where organizations are spending their tech budgets in 2017 and what their top priorities are. We also provide practical advice on how to put your IT dollars to good use.

Infrastructure as a Service providers make a very compelling argument for businesses to stop running their own data centers and simply purchase server capacity on-demand and scale up and down as needed. This is our deep dive on IaaS strategy and best practices.

Software as a Service offers irresistible benefits for organizations of all sizes — from cost savings to scalability to mobile accessibility. We offer guidance on avoiding the pitfalls of the cloud and choosing your SaaS partners well.

How small businesses are increasingly using mobility tools (smartphones, tablets, apps, cloud) both internally and externally, to improve profitability, flexibility, communications, and collaboration.

Building a powerful back end for your business is less and less about buying big, expensive boxes. There are massive efficiencies, agility, and manageability benefits of virtualizing your data center and running it from software.

The pressure on companies to get faster, more efficient, and better automated continues to accelerate. The best business leaders use tech as one of their most important levers to drive innovation and change. Here's the wisdom to make it happen.

We explore the history of design thinking and how today's smartest businesses are getting serious about how to design user interfaces that drive efficiency, increase user adoption, and impact customer satisfaction.

When you look at the industries that 3D printing is destined to disrupt in the future, the list is long and distinguished. Here is our take on the state of 3D printing, the ways companies are using it today, and how it's going to revolutionize the future of business.

Enterprise software represents the glue that ties together teams and business processes, especially in global organizations. See how enterprise software is simplifying, webifying, mobilizing, and getting a lot more social.

The Internet of Things is feeding us countless new streams of data to quantify and analyze things in ways that were never before possible. It's also creating serious new security risks in the process. We examine the possibilities and the dangers.