
An Indian IT Odyssey

So I’m currently in Bangalore India under the auspices of Yahoo! to attend the company’s Hack Day weekend.
Written by Adrian Bridgwater, Contributor

So I’m currently in Bangalore India under the auspices of Yahoo! to attend the company’s Hack Day weekend. I’m also on a mission to find out what makes the Indian IT market tick and try to figure out where it goes next.

So far my impressions are limited – having only landed a few hours ago. Apart from seeing two oxen pulling a cart past the front of the shiny new IBM building, nothing has stood out as exceptionally remarkable yet.

Well, apart from the fact that they want 200 Rupees an hour for Internet access in the room here – I think that’s about two pounds 50p in old money. That seems like a lot to be honest.

Anyway, time to get down to the nitty gritty of the event. If you have opinions on India’s technology growth feel free to mail me via the site.

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