
Annoying popups in Windows XP Pro

Well I finally got an answer as to why my XP Pro system at the office was popping me crazy with the Visual Studio debugger message.Check this out:http://blogs.
Written by Xwindowsjunkie , Contributor

Well I finally got an answer as to why my XP Pro system at the office was popping me crazy with the Visual Studio debugger message.

Check this out: http://blogs.msdn.com/vcblog/archive/2009/03/28/some-vs2005-and-vs2008-wizards-pop-up-script-error.aspx

Turns out there are "secret" security zones for Internet Exploder. Yeah just what I wanted to hear about. Presumably yet another way to gain access to the freaking OS. Hack through the IE interface of Visual Studio. Just freaking wonderful.

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