
Apple launches a quieter iPod for delicate French ears

Those dials no longer go all the way up to 11...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

Those dials no longer go all the way up to 11...

Apple has today released a doctored version of its iPod software with the necessary adjustments to cater for strict French laws on noise. The French government was upset at the noise the iPods were capable of making, claiming they exceeded legal 100 decibel (dB) level. Apple was forced to remove the controversial personal MP3 player from sale until they could be toned down from the previous maximum output of 104dB. Users in France wanting to play by the rules and listen to their Serge Gainsbourg and Celine Dion MP3s under 100dB can download the necessary software update from http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120123 .
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