
Are you a shark or a squirrel?

Grrrr... Easy tiger...
Written by Graham Hayday, Contributor

Grrrr... Easy tiger...

When it comes to using IT, the typical modern office worker sees themselves as a shark. Fujitsu Services commissioned a survey into the use of IT in the workplace, and asked staff to liken their behaviour to animals. The six most common IT types turned out to be the shark, the squirrel, the magpie, the ostrich, the elephant and the dinosaur. Most people (39 per cent) believe they are an IT shark, dealing with emails and reports efficiently and quickly. The second most common type (21 per cent of workers) is the IT squirrel - they hoard all the reports and emails they receive. Eighteen per cent admit to being IT magpies, who pick off the most interesting emails and reports but ignore the rest. IT ostriches account for nine per cent of the workforce, dealing only with the easiest reports and emails and avoiding anything harder. Six per cent confess to being IT dinosaurs, hating technology and needing help to use it. A final five per cent believe they are IT elephants, able to remember everything first time and not relying on IT much. Maria Lorenz, Fujitsu Services' business development manager for end user support, said: "Whilst workers have all accepted IT as essential to their working life, businesses must not make the mistake of thinking that all respond to it in the same way. A good IT strategy will support the majority who consider themselves efficient, but also seek to help people who dislike it and those who use it to avoid difficult tasks. She added: "For IT sharks, a strong support system is essential, that solves any problems quickly and allows them to get on with their work. For IT dinosaurs, training must be provided that helps them appreciate how they can benefit and conquer their worries."
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