
ASUS Eee Box 1501 nettop box arriving in Switzerland this year; will include Blu-Ray

First the Nokia N900 gets Swiss keyboard layout support, now Switzerland might be getting the Asus Eee Box 1501 nettop box soon!What's the kicker?
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

First the Nokia N900 gets Swiss keyboard layout support, now Switzerland might be getting the Asus Eee Box 1501 nettop box soon!

What's the kicker? It's going to include Blu-ray!

Supposedly, some Swiss online stores have already commenced in accepting orders for the Eee Box 1501, under the code name, "EB1501-B0367," which is leading everyone to believe they'll soon be available in Switzerland - and everywhere else soon after (hopefully).

Aside from the Intel Atom 330 processor, 360 GB hard drive and Windows 7, everyone only seems to care about the Blu-ray part (previously these only stacked a built-in DVD burner).

But again, this is all hear-say and Google translations, so we have to wait longer for a confirmation.

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