
Continually upgrade skills to meet changing demands

A ZDNet reader with Foxpro programming experience asks what areas in IT offer better opportunities, and the courses to do.
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Q. I obtained the Diploma in Computer Science eight years ago and since then have been working in a software company. I have experience in systems analysis, software designing, programming, implementation and customer support. My programming platform is Foxpro/Visual Foxpro.

I have completed projects like financial accounting, material management, payroll (HR) and trading software. However, I am looking for a new job with decent salary, either in India or abroad.

What areas of IT are currently in strong demand with the potential to provide better opportunities, so that I may know what courses to take, if necessary.

Career advice from E. Balaji, CEO of HR services provider, Ma Foi Management Consultants:

Foxpro and Visual Foxpro are outdated platforms and aren't really in demand currently.

You have two options:

  • you can try to enhance your skill base by getting trained in more popular platforms like DotNet or J2EE through certified courses and look to enhance your profile before applying to bigger IT firms, or
  • you can move to the telecom sector where your experience in system analysis, software design and programming, implementation etc. may be found useful.

The current scenario in the IT job market strongly recommends the first option. Even otherwise, one should always look to continually upgrade skills to meet changing demands, more so in the rapidly changing/evolving IT segment.

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