
Doh! HP has some "green" data center news, too

Sometimes, I SWEAR that companies put out green IT-ish press releases on the same day just to divert attention from their rivals. So, here's the thing, after writing about Dell's latest data center proclamations and new optimization services this morning, I would be remiss not to point to some of Hewlett-Packard's declarations in the last 24 hours about its "three-year IT transformation," which (of course) comes with a demonstrable energy-saving component.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Sometimes, I SWEAR that companies put out green IT-ish press releases on the same day just to divert attention from their rivals. So, here's the thing, after writing about Dell's latest data center proclamations and new optimization services this morning, I would be remiss not to point to some of Hewlett-Packard's declarations in the last 24 hours about its "three-year IT transformation," which (of course) comes with a demonstrable energy-saving component.

Over the past three years, HP has cut more than 85 internal data centers to just six of them. This all started, of course, before green was the new black and when companies were falling all over themselves to talk about their "IT optimization projects."

And yet, HP's annual energy consumption related to data centers has been cut by 60 percent, servers have been reduced by 40 percent, all while processing "power" has been increased by 250 percent. Starting in fiscal year, HP's spending on internal IT will be less than 2 percent of the company's annual revenue (compared with 4 percent in 2005 when the project began).

Hmm, smaller footprint. Reduced power consumption. What's not to like? It's more great evidence as to why I believe the green IT and sustainability buzz will outbuzz the negative news on the economic front. Because it's really about optimization.

The full information about HP's ongoing internal IT optimization project can be found at this link.

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