
Energy at the top of new Presidential agenda?

Back in Presidential Debate #2 Obama indicated it was going to be alternative energy and an overall energy policy. It seems less than definite any such bill could get through the U.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Back in Presidential Debate #2 Obama indicated it was going to be alternative energy and an overall energy policy. It seems less than definite any such bill could get through the U.S. Senate if it doesn't please lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry.

Here's a nifty summary of opinions from several American experts on energy and energy politics. They have different but informed views about how much an Obama Administration can do, and how soon.

And other issues are going to be claiming Obama's attention. A lot of dollars have washed downstream since he talked about energy in that long-ago debate. Millions of 401Ks have shrunk 20% or more. A case is alaready being made that Obama should be focused on the state of the economy BEFORE he even takes office. Here's a piece saying, "act now" on economy. One big issue pending: does the federal government bail out those Detroit automakers who failed to foresee a need for hybrid or electric cars?

Right now there's clear evidence of cutbacks in spending on alternative energy from large corporations like GE to utilities to VCs. Gasoline prices are much lower now than a few months back so much of the political urgency has leaked out of the alternative energy bubble.

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