
Fans pay tribute to Steve Jobs

Following the death of Apple co-founder and chairman Steve Jobs, tributes have flowed freely from Apple fans around the world.
Written by Luke Hopewell, Contributor

Following the death of Apple co-founder and chairman Steve Jobs, tributes have flowed freely from Apple fans around the world.

Flowers outside the Sydney Apple Store

Flowers outside the Sydney Apple Store
(Credit: Luke Hopewell/ZDNet Australia)

Outside the Sydney Apple Store on Sydney's George Street this afternoon, a single member of the store's security staff stands underneath the iconic Apple logo, guarding two boxes of flowers.

One of the flower boxes bears Jobs' image, while the other contains a handwritten card. The card simply reads:

You've changed the world for good and you've changed it for the better. No doubt your love and vision will continue to live through the legacy that you've left this world.

Thank you, Steve Jobs, you'll always be an inspiration.

Still connecting the dots,


Similar scenes are unfolding outside Apple Stores around the world. Outside of Manhattan's Apple Store, fans have begun affixing post-it notes containing condolence messages to the windows.

There is no doubt that amongst his fans, Steve Jobs will be sorely missed.

Security guard

Security guard outside the Sydney Apple Store
(Credit: Luke Hopewell/ZDNet Australia)

Technology executives have also expressed their sadness.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said he will "miss Steve immensely".

"The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour," Gates said in a statement.

President Barack Obama also paid tribute to the technology titan.

"Steve was among the greatest of American innovators — brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it."

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