
For your reading pleasure: One expert's view of how green power can affect the U.S. power infrastructure

Confused about exactly what your company can or should do about its future electricity consumption? A new book, "The Green Guide to Power: Thinking Outside the Grid," endeavors to provide an overview of the environmental impact of the existing power grid and some ideas about what we can do at our places of employment to affect change.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Confused about exactly what your company can or should do about its future electricity consumption? A new book, "The Green Guide to Power: Thinking Outside the Grid," endeavors to provide an overview of the environmental impact of the existing power grid and some ideas about what we can do at our places of employment to affect change. Not exactly light reading, but the book might provide your team with some ideas about how to design or redesign your own company's data center facilities. Plus, it apparently is the top title in the energy category on Amazon.com.

The "Green Guide to Power" was authored by Ron Bowman, who is an executive vice president of the nearly 20-year-old Tishman Technologies, which designs facilities and energy infrastructure for facilities including massive data centers, trading floors and telecommunications hubs. Here's Bowman talking about green data centers on YouTube.

The book considers pretty much any type of alternative energy source that you might imagine, including biomass, geothermal options, solar, wind, ocean/tidal, biowaste and hydraulic.

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