
Hardware 2.0 - Open mic session

I've decided that once a month I should hand over the mic to the amazing crowd that makes up the Hardware 2.0 readership.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

I've decided that once a month I should hand over the mic to the amazing crowd that makes up the Hardware 2.0 readership.

Here's your chance to talk about pretty much anything tech related. Feel free to make post suggestions, discuss tech topics, vent about something bothering you, ask me (and other readers) a question, talk about something that you've recently bought or want to buy ... if it's tech related, them feel free to post!

I'll be scoping out the TalkBack section of this post throughout the day, so if you ask me a question, I'll try to get around to it soon!

Have fun, and have a good weekend!

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