
HP reshuffles executive deck

The company has reorganised its management to ensure that key executives and units report directly to chief executive Leo Apotheker
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

HP reorganised its executive suite on Monday to ensure that key executives and the company's biggest units report directly to chief executive Leo Apotheker.

Leo Apotheker

HP has reorganised its management to ensure that key executives and units report directly to chief executive Leo Apotheker. Photo credit: Jack Clark

Ann Livermore, who led HP's enterprise services group, is stepping down from day-to-day management to become a board member, amid a major shake-up at the company. Among the moves, Livermore's departure is probably the largest. Livermore has frequently been a chief executive candidate, but never made the final cut. She will remain leader of HP Enterprise Services until her replacement is named.

The reorganisation is designed to get all customer-facing units reporting to Apotheker. Dave Donatelli, who leads HP's critical servers, storage, networking and technology services unit; Bill Veghte, executive vice president of software; and Jan Zadak, head of sales, will all report to Apotheker. The HP chief executive said that the new reporting structure should improve focus, agility and execution.

For more on this ZDNet UK-selected story, see HP's Apotheker consolidates power: Livermore steps back, CIO Mott out on ZDNet.com.

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