
HP, TiVo pair up for Windows Home Server add-in for MediaSmart

Hewlett-Packard's MediaSmart server is about to have access to a whole new realm of media entertainment. HP and TiVo have announced that the two companies have joined forces and developed a Windows Home Server add-in for compatibility between the two machines.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

Hewlett-Packard's MediaSmart server is about to have access to a whole new realm of media entertainment.

HP and TiVo have announced that the two companies have joined forces and developed a Windows Home Server add-in for compatibility between the two machines.

What this all means is that users can transfer recorded TiVo content to the MediaSmart server for watching on a computer, gaming console or whatever else that is connected and compatible. It will also provide a whole lot of extra storage space for all of those recorded episodes of Lost taking up all of your existing hard drive space.

Conversely, users should be able to send content back to the TiVo for viewing as well.

The updated Windows Home Server add-in is available on HP's site for downloading now.

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