
iPod touch video rumors: Disruptive, very disruptive

The latest grist for the rumor mill has Apple placing a bunch of orders for cameras and bringing video to the iPod. Since the iPhone 3GS has one it's only natural to assume that the iPod touch will get one too.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

The latest grist for the rumor mill has Apple placing a bunch of orders for cameras and bringing video to the iPod. Since the iPhone 3GS has one it's only natural to assume that the iPod touch will get one too.

These rumors---based on images of cases at MacRumors for the upcoming iPod touch and nano models and chatter in Apple's supply chain via TechCrunch---are usually dismissed. But a funny thing happened when pondering this rumor---my potential buying decision was altered.

I was pretty much a lock for the Flip HD. It was a no brainer. It's easy and the software makes uploading video second nature. However, if these rumors turn out to be true an iPod touch may be a better choice. After all, if you're going to blow $200 or so on a video recorder why not get one that has music, apps and a few other goodies?

The rub here is that the Flip can stand by itself and be used on a tripod. That's a perk that still may give the Flip victory over the iPod touch. But for now I'm set to see if these rumors turn out to be true. The iPod video chatter is certainly logical enough.

Perhaps the bigger question is whether we'll buy any specialized device in the future. Cameras, video recorders, music, GPS and games are increasingly being wrapped together. That fact has to be semi-alarming for companies that specialize in doing one thing very well.

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