
JavaOne Keynote: Live Blog Feed

#08.51 PST - I'm sat in row 2 in the main auditorium at San Francisco's Moscone Centre for Sun Microsystems' JavaOne event.
Written by Adrian Bridgwater, Contributor

#08.51 PST - I'm sat in row 2 in the main auditorium at San Francisco's Moscone Centre for Sun Microsystems' JavaOne event. Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz has taken the stage and has not mentioned the Oracle acquisition even in passing as yet.

#08.56 PST – There are some 10,000 attendees here and we're sat dutifully listening to Java protagonists including eBay and RIM as they buddy up with Schwartz who is extolling the virtues of the billions of desktop and mobile Java deployments worldwide. As expected, Java EE 6 is being launched today, but as yet it has only been mentioned as a minor detail.

#09.12 PST – Don Eklund from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment joins Schwartz on stage to talk about Blu-Ray technology. Is this a chance to throw up some Men in Black excerpts to distract us? It's nice, but it seems to be way off subject given that the future of open source might make for more informative discussion.

#09.17 PST – Diane Bryant Exec VP and CIO from Intel takes the stage. Intel is pervasive across an increasingly wide range of devices (we're told) and the arrival of the Atom processor has helped this. Did we come here to listen to Intel run off a list of benchmarks? Probably not, but that's what we're getting. Still no mention of Oracle.

#09.17 PST – JavaFX updates now. Sun's plans for this rich web app tool include a bunch of drag and drop development options to get web designers working more closely with tasks that would have previously required a developer.

#09.43 PST – James Gosling – father of Java takes the stage. Gosling talks about the Java (SM) store and calls it a 'consumer-facing storefront' for reviewing and purchase of Java and JavaFX apps. It's at http://store.java.com.

#10.03 PST - Scott McNealy arrives. The former chief takes us through a brief history of the vision for creating a business around Java. He thanks Schwartz for his 'stewardship' of Java. Let's hope it will continue to be held within safe hands. McNealy says is this "Oracle thing a good thing?" Absolutely - he says. He talks directly about the cost synergies that he's been discussing with Larry.

I want to put the next leader of the Java Community on stage says McNealy.

#10.18 PST - Larry Ellison takes the stage. He says that Oracle's entire middleware strategy is built on Java. He says that Oracle has invested more in Java (in terms of dollars) than anybody else. He says he is determined to expand the Java community. McNealy says the R&D budget will help massively. Ellison says that every product built inside of Oracle is built on Java. He will encourage the Open Office group to build rapidly now.

#10.22 PST - McNeaily asks is this the last JavaOne? Ellison says that he expects very few changes apart from an expanded level of enthusiasm for Java from Oracle. Ellison says he wants to see a proliferation of Java FX deployments on a lot of more devices.

#10.25 PST - Ellison closed up by saying that if you want to know about the future for Java - then just look at its past. He says he wants more of the same.

#10.28 PST - Ellison leaves the stage. McNealy leaves soon after and gets a standing ovation.

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