
Linux Aust seeks 2013 conference hosts

The application process to host the annual Linux.conf.au in 2013 has officially opened today following an announcement by Linux Australia President John Ferlito.
Written by Luke Hopewell, Contributor

The application process to host Linux.conf.au in 2013 has officially opened today following an announcement by Linux Australia President John Ferlito.

In a message via the Linux Australia mailing list, Ferlito encouraged everyone who had ever thought about hosting the event or taking part in a conference team to apply.

"If you've ever sat in the back of a [Linux User Group] meeting or [Linux.conf.au] talk and had a quick chat to someone about running a [Linux.conf.au], now is the time to put that idea into action," Ferlito said.

"If you were the person two seats back listening in, go bug that person to put in a bid," he added.

Formal submissions are set to close on 15 May, with the announcement to be made at the closing of Linux.conf.au 2012, which is set to be hosted in Ballarat.

Ferlito said that the Linux.conf.au faithful shouldn't keep their desire to take part under their hats.

"From the attendance at the Linux.conf.au a few weeks ago, there are already quite a number of you thinking quite seriously about the process. Please make your expressions of interest public, it might just help you find another valuable core team member," said Ferlito.

Those looking to submit a bid should contact the Linux Australia council via council@linux.org.au.

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